Merry Gold Montessori employs five to six professional and qualified staff to manage our education process throughout each session.
IMPORTANT: Registered under the Government Funds scheme legible for all three/four-year-olds.
Also, the practice of Inclusion and Special Needs programs.
Special Needs Co-ordinator – Ms. Malsri Amarasuriya.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Coordinator
Ms. Malsri Amarasuriya

Merry Gold Montessori School
A simple exploration of the Montessori Method of education for children from the age of two to five is ‘HELP ME DO IT MYSELF”.
This method offers a sensible, structured system that leads the child toward independence. The fundamental approach to this method is to respect the child as individual.
This aim is achieved through providing a supportive yet challenging environment
which is mindful for each child’s individual capacities.
The Montessori education gives the child a strong foundation for developing into
confident, well balanced, responsive and fulfilled person.
This method of education was devised by Dr Maria Montessori who was the
pioneer of this teaching.
What is the purpose of Montessori?
The early years of the child’s life are vital years. During the ages from birth to five, the child develops, learns and grows more that he or she will again, during any other period of his or her life.

The ‘PREPARED ENVIRONMENT is the Montessori classroom, offers the child the maximum opportunity to grow, by meeting his or her physical and intellectual needs.
Through Montessori the child builds within him/herself, the foundation for a lifetime of creative learning. He or she develops basic concepts, attitudes and skills essential for fulfilment in school and working life, a thirst for knowledge and learning habits of concentration, of confidence and independence. The child comes to know the joy of achievement and the happiness of success. More importantly, the child learns the value of self-respect and respect for others as individuals.
How the Child spends his or her time at the Montessori?
Montessori classroom has a set of unique Montessori materials which deal with the areas of practical life. These materials are designed specially for the very young child to help him or her to care for themselves and for the development of the senses and motor skills. The materials also help the child to judge different heights, weights, lengths, colours, sounds, shapes and textures in a way the progressively taxes his or her power of perception. The major part of the day is spent in numerous purpose activities, of the child’s own choice, using the Montessori materials. The child may w ork alone or in a small group. Cutting, pasting, singing, body movement, rhythm band, vocabulary, stor time and courtesy are other facets of the Montessori programme.
Then the child learns basic arithmetic, writing and reading. Children learn with ease those subjects which are considered the most difficult to understand as these subjects are introduced when children are older. In the abstract form, although these subjects are difficult, as the child can manipulate concrete materials and use their hands, learning becomes very easy. We apply the same principals to Geometry, Science, Botany, Geography and much more for children as well